Friday 16 November 2018

What is a Good Stack?

What is the rule for a good stack? Well, I am a researcher. Yes, I do research, I study... And of course I get inspiration from wonderful people thar have been doing bangle art from ages (maybe not ages...could be years...*smile*).

First of all...I am from Brazil. So, sorry for possible mistakes in english.

If you pay attention there is a gadget up right the page with a translator... So, be my guest, take a coffe (can be wine or wisk, of course *smile*) and lets talk about love...ooops, bangles, bracelets, charms, berloques (in Brazil), pearls, poetry, make (lipsticks are may favority...

I have an open mind...I love beauty, as everybody, and sensibility.

This blog is still under construction. As our souls...

Thursday 15 November 2018

A dream is born...

About Bangleart...

Bangleart is a timeless love for bangles, bracelets, pearls...And poetry.
Please, be my guest, take a coffe and let's talk about love, ooops...Bangleart

What is a Good Stack?

What is the rule for a good stack? Well, I am a researcher. Yes, I do research, I study... And of course I get inspiration from wonderfu...